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Monday, July 15, 2019

Chandrayaan-2 launche delayed due to technical shortcoming, announcement of new date soon

 12 hours ago Chandrayaan2: Second moon mission postponed due to technical glitch

India deferred the launch of Chandrayaan-2 in early morning due to technical flaws. Now the new date will be announced for this. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) tweeted, "The technical defect was seen in the launch vehicle system on T-56 minutes. As a precaution, the launch of Chandrayaan-2 has been postponed for today. The announcement of the new date will be made later. "The countdown to launch at 2.51am on Monday, 56 minutes 24 seconds before the announcement from the Mission Control Room, was stopped at 1.55 pm.


President Ramnath Kovind was in Sriharikota to see the launch. The confusion remained intact before official confirmation of ISRO's avoidance of projection. ISRO's co-director (public relations) BR Gurprasad said, "There was a technical flaw on the T-56 minutes in the launch vehicle system. As a precaution, the launch of Chandrayaan-2 has been deferred for today. "He said," The new date will be announced later. "

Another official of ISRO said, "The launch is avoided due to technical flaws. It is not possible to launch inside the launch window. The new date of launch will be announced later. "The space agency had earlier placed the date of launch in the first week of January, but later changed it to July 15. GSLV Mark-Chandra-2 was launched by Chandrayaan-2. The M-1 rocket was to be taken to the moon, the eyes of the whole nation were started on the launch of the Satish Dhawan Space Center located in Sriharikota today, this time weighing about 3,850 kilograms. Shi Yan had to carry an orbiter, a lander and a rover with him. The most powerful launch vehicle GSLV mark -... with the launch of Chandrayaan-2, built at a cost of 978 crores with M-1 rocket In the event of it it takes 54 days to reach the Moon.

After complete projection of the launch last week, on Sunday (July 14th) at 6.51 in the morning the countdown of its launch started. Many scientists and experts have said that there has been some frustration with the launch of the launch, but it is a good thing to know the technical shortcomings of the time. He has also expressed the hope of a quick announcement of the new date of launch.

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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sidhu resigned from Cabinet, wrote a letter to Rahul on Twitter 1 month ago/learnerzden

From the time of the Lok Sabha elections, Sidhu was being run from Amarinder
On June 6, Amarinder changed the post of Sidhu, although he did not take charge


Amritsar: A new twist came in the ongoing controversy between Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh and Cabinet Minister Navjot Singh Sidhu. Sidhu announced his resignation from the post of minister. They have shared a letter written on Twitter on June 10. Sidhu met former Congress President Rahul Gandhi in Delhi on June 10th. He has also said that the copy of the resignation was also sent to Chief Minister Capt. Amarinder Singh. Sidhu joined BJP in 2017 leaving the BJP.

Sidhu did not attend a cabinet meeting in June. After this, Amarinder changed his portfolio on June 6. The local government department, which was considered important to the Siddhu, was taken and was given charge of the Department of Electricity and Renewable Energy. However, Sidhu did not take charge of the new ministry

Sidhu resigned from Cabinet, wrote a letter to Rahul on Twitter 1 month ago

Sidhu had a photo shareholder with Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi and Ahmed Patel from his Twitter handle.

Sidhu's wife Navjot Kaur had expressed resentment against Amarinder for not getting ticket in the Lok Sabha elections. He had alleged that he did not get the ticket from Amritsar seat because of Amarinder. At the same time, Sidhu had supported the wife. However, Amarinder denied these allegations.

Captain protested against the Chief of Pak Army
Capt. Amarinder protested against the conclusion of Siddhu's army chief Kamar Javed Bajwa in the oath taking by Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan. After this, when Sidhu went to Pakistan during the foundation stone of Kartarpur Corridor in 2018, Amarinder had said that Sidhu has gone there without the permission of Haikamman.

Politics from politics

Sidhu Cricket player from 1983 to 1999 After retiring from cricket, he got the ticket from BJP. In 2004, he was elected MP from Amritsar Lok Sabha seat. However, in January 2007, after the court's decision in the case of a non-willful murder, he resigned from the Lok Sabha membership and filed a petition in the Supreme Court. Sidhu won the Amritar seat in 2007 by-elections in 2007. He won the Amritar seat in 2009. In May 2018, the Supreme Court acquitted Sidhu.

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How to earn money from monetization by uploading video on Shareit 2019? How to earn money from Shareit 2019?

How to earn money by uploading video on shareit, how to earn money from Shareit, You will get all the answers of questions you hear, let's take a look at this post.

Hello friends Welcome to Learnerzden as you know how much popular application is SHAREit, so far you know that this application was used for data sharing or transfer. For the few days coming to you, you have noticed that when you open it to share or transfer data, so you have seen that the videos in the shareit should look like videos run on other platforms such as ex. Youtube, dailymotion, uc, vimeo and facebook, and now even Instagram has come, there are no monetization options.

How to upload or put videos on Shareit?
Let us learn step by step about how to upload videos on Shareit. Let us go now in the desktop mode of mobile and write it in the search. We Media Shareit will be the first click on the link (SHAREIT Wemedia).

How to earn money from monetization by uploading video on Shareit 2019? How to earn money from Shareit 2019?/learnerzden

After clicking on it, you will reach a page where you will see the option of Sing Up in the top of the Login/Sign Up
You have to click on sign up button. Sign Up, as shown below in the screenshot (your name will appear here)
How to earn money from monetization by uploading video on Shareit 2019? How to earn money from Shareit 2019?/learnerzden

How to earn money from monetization by uploading video on Shareit 2019? How to earn money from Shareit 2019?/learnerzden
After this you have to setup your profile, you have to enter the nickname, description,and profile and category, now you have to click on the submit button. And
How to earn money from monetization by uploading video on Shareit 2019? How to earn money from Shareit 2019?/learnerzden

Now you have reached a new page where you will see a new interface. Now to upload the video, you can click on the post where you have to click on the video where you can upload file.You can upload File upto 2GB and your file resolution should be 720p.

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Speech on Politics in english| learnerzden

Speech on Politics in English/learnerzden

Honorable Principal, all teachers and all the students, greet you all,

The word "politics" is made up of "king's policy". In ancient times, the plans and policies that a king used to run his country were called politics. This is called "politics" in English.

Politics is very important for any country. What will be the structure of all points like education, business, roads construction, infrastructure, financial policies, taxes within the country, will the law be enacted? It is decided through politics.

Politics is an integral part of our lives. It is like a spinal cord for a country. India is a democratic country. The politics here is based on democracy. Every citizen of India has the right to vote. By voting we choose our MPs, MLAs and other leaders.

The ideal example of politics we got to see before independence was achieved. When many good leaders of India like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Subhash Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi and other leaders made politics of selflessness and gave independence to India.

Mahatma Gandhi never resorted to violence. Always went on the path of non-violence and truth and the British had to leave India. After independence of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of the country.

He made many policies to take the country on the path of progress. All these policies are excellent examples of politics. India's soil has produced many good leaders, there is no doubt in it.

Read also - Essay on communalism in India Essay on Communalism in India Hindi
Whereas the leaders of the past used to do politics with selflessness, the conditions have changed completely nowadays. A true politician always wants to serve the country. He does not greed for wealth. He has no greed for money, silver, gold and silver. But unfortunately today's positions have completely changed.

Now most leaders have adopted politics as a career. Most of the leaders do politics of selfishness. They divide the people in the name of religion and caste and vote bank politics. When they get the opportunity, they scam millions and crores and hide their money in foreign banks.

Today there are many leaders in the country who have been accused of committing serious crimes such as murder, abduction, rioting, riots and even prosecutions are going on. In spite of this, they are active in politics. On election, such leaders buy money by distributing the money and then come back to power after voting.

iPhone XR डील US: अमेजन प्राइम डे 2019 पर सबसे अच्छी कीमत पाएं

Apple का नया iPhone XR अभी ऑर्डर करने के लिए उपलब्ध है, और आप नीचे नवीनतम कीमतों की जांच करना चाहते हैं। आप 15 जुलाई से शुरू होने वाले अमेज़न प्राइम डे के दौरान अन्य स्मार्टफोन की बचत पा सकते हैं।

IPhone XR या तो अकेला नहीं है। Apple के अधिक प्रीमियम iPhone XS और XS Max भी उपलब्ध हैं, लेकिन तीन फोन में, iPhone XR आसानी से सबसे सस्ता विकल्प है, और सबसे रंगीन है। यह उपलब्ध है। IPhone XR 64GB के बेस कॉन्फिगरेशन के साथ शुरू होता है, जिसमें 128GB और 256GB वर्जन भी बिकते हैं, और यह कई तरह के रंगों में आता है।

प्राइम डे के बारे में अधिक जानें अमेज़न प्राइम डे पर हमारे गाइड के साथ: जुलाई सौदों की घटना के लिए आपको जो कुछ भी जानना होगा।
सस्ता होने के बावजूद, iPhone XR में अभी भी $ 749 का उच्च आधार मूल्य है। सौभाग्य से, जब तक आप एक खुला मॉडल खरीदने की कोशिश नहीं कर रहे हैं, वहाँ iPhone XR सौदे हैं जिनका आप लाभ उठा सकते हैं।

मैं Apple iPhone XR कब खरीद सकता हूं?
नया iPhone XR iPhone X के रूप में बहुत पहले बिक्री पर नहीं गया था। इसके बजाय, Apple ने घोषणा की कि यह 26 अक्टूबर से शुरू होने वाले प्री-ऑर्डर के लिए उपलब्ध होगा, 26 अक्टूबर को शिपिंग के साथ। दूसरे शब्दों में, इंतजार खत्म हो गया है। आप नए iPhone XR की खरीदारी करने के लिए ऑनलाइन या हेड स्टोर पर जा सकते हैं।

IPhone XR की कीमत कितनी है?
Apple के "किफायती" हैंडसेट के रूप में जाना जाता है, iPhone XR अभी भी बेस 64GB मॉडल के लिए $ 749 की प्रभावशाली कीमत का दावा करता है, जो कि आज से पहले iPhone 8 की कीमत से थोड़ा अधिक है। इस बीच, 128GB मॉडल की कीमत $ 799 और 256GB संस्करण की कीमत $ 899 है। आप नवीनतम समर्पित खुदरा विक्रेताओं को देखने के लिए हमारे समर्पित अनलॉक किए गए iPhone XR पृष्ठ पर जा सकते हैं।

वाहक से खरीदना

बेशक, कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि आप किस मॉडल को चुनते हैं, आप iPhone XR के लिए पूरी कीमत का भुगतान नहीं करना चाहते हैं यदि आप इसकी मदद कर सकते हैं। एक रियायती मूल्य पर एक iPhone पाने का सबसे आसान तरीका एक प्रमुख वाहक के माध्यम से है क्योंकि वे सभी आपको फोन खरीदने और संभवतः उनकी वायरलेस सेवा के लिए साइन अप करने के लिए प्रोत्साहन या किस्त की योजना प्रदान करते हैं। जब iPhone 8 जारी किया गया था, स्प्रिंट अनिवार्य रूप से मुफ्त में फोन की पेशकश करता है यदि आप एक योग्य फोन में कारोबार करते हैं और 18 महीने के पट्टे और वायरलेस अनुबंध के लिए साइन अप करते हैं। इस बीच, अन्य वाहकों (Verizon, T-Mobile, और AT & T) ने एक योग्य फोन में व्यापार करने पर $ 300 तक की पेशकश की।

IPhone XR पर वाहक क्या विकल्प दे रहे हैं, इस पर एक नज़र डालें:

Xfinity मोबाइल का iPhone XR सौदा
Xfinity Mobile ने iPhone XR: $ 200 वापस मंगाने वाले ग्राहकों के लिए एक सीधा सौदा किया है। इसमें कोई व्यापार शामिल नहीं है, जो सौदे का सबसे आश्चर्यजनक पहलू हो सकता है। इसके बजाय, ग्राहकों को एक अलग वाहक से आने की जरूरत है, एक्सफिनिटी मोबाइल के साथ एक नई लाइन को सक्रिय करें, और अपना फोन नंबर पोर्ट करें। यह सौदा 6 जनवरी, 2019 तक चलता है।

Friday, July 12, 2019

How to create animated movies or short films on Android.

Hello friends,
I am back here with the latest topic about "How to make animation".

So, what you have to do is just firstly download an app named "flipaclip"
from your play store/app store.
 And then open it as well, after opening you will see an interface like this👇.

 After opening the app just click on the create button, after clicking on create button an new window will open.
Now you have to name your project after naming, you have to choose background for your movie/short film and you have to click on the "create project".
 Now create your own imagination.

Thank you.

I will tell you about "how to create animations like professionals" in the upcoming post.
Untill then keep reading keep sharing!

Thursday, July 11, 2019

New world record in pubg mobile - team death match mode??

Hello friends today we'll talk about world records in pubg mobile.
So let's start,
Today I am gonna tell you about the biggest truth that yesterday my brother @aniljezz created world record in pubg mobile. As he killed all 40 players alone.
Yes you readed correctly he killed 40 players alone as his friends were disconnected after starting the match and than he killed all 40 players alone. That was an amazing experience, he k/d was of 4,
I was shocked when he told me that he has killed all 40 players alone, first I thought that he is joking but when he sent me this screenshot of his victory then I believed him that he has seriously created an world record.
So friend's if you too want to make an world record so tell your friends to help you, there is one thing to keep in mind is that you have to play furiously.
Thank you,

If you likes my post so just show some love and share my post to your social media like - Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram and anywhere else.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

How to get skins of guns, backpack,helm and dresses.

Hello friends,
Today's topic is about pubg mobile so let's start.

So friends we all know what are skins and what is the need of them,

We all want to look like a pro player. So today I am gonna tell you about the amazing tricks (hacks) in pubg mobile.

If you want skins of kar98k and other guns or helmets and best dresses, so let's go.

So here, what you have to do is just collect 5 to 10 classic crates and 5 to 10 premium crates, after then you have to download an VPN from play store/app store and connect it to the Thailand. After that re-open Pubg mobile and open the classic crates one by one and what you to do is, if you need any particular dress from the crate then just tap on it multiple times and open the crates one by one after opening two to three crates you will get that particular item, then choose another item and repeat the same process.

And for skins of kar98k gun you have to connect the VPN to the server of Sweden after that open premium crates open one by one than you will find that you have got skin of kar98k and other guns.
Here's my account 👇see how much skins of kar98k I have.
I have got all this skins after completing this process,
I got this amazing helmet skin too In the premium crate.

And I got these 2 amazing legendary dress too before getting the skins of kar98k.

So friends today I told you the trick. This trick is 100 percent working, you will definitely get this items and many more things,

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Download PUBG lite in India

Hello friends,
I am here with the new tips and tricks for you.
So let's start,
Today we're gonna talk about how to download and play PUBG Mobile lite in India,
Bonus news -
Registration for PUBG lite for pcs have been started,
Here what you want,
First step - open Google Chrome in your mobile phone,
Second step - search the title 'PUBG Mobile Lite'
Third step - download PUBG Mobile lite apk file + obb.
Fourth step - open Android folder in your phones file manager of your phone and make an folder named ' com.tencent.iglite' you can copy it from here,
And then just install PUBG Mobile lite, before starting it download an vpn and connect it to the Philippines and then enjoy.
Thank you,
                  Love 

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

A trip to Ralamandal

Ralamandal is an wildlife sanctuary, situated in indore. this is a nice for being familiar with nature, this place looks very beautiful in winter season.
Have a look on this picture, this picture was clicked when i visited here for the second time.

Very nice place for visitors. i have visited hear for 2 times and when i visited hear for the first time i went without any further information, when i reached there i saw, there was no sources for water and food, so i will suggest you to bring water and snacks with you. You will see most of the animals here, nice picnic spot . best place for picnic with friends.
you will find many things there,
I will also suggest you to keep an DSLR camera with you.


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

A trip to Vaishno Devi mandir

Me Vaishno devi mandir ke darshan karne ja raha hu, pehli bar. hum do log h, humne aadhi chadhai puri kar li h, hume yaha par bahot acha lag raha tha, jese jese hum upar chadte gaye hume or acha lagne laga. raaste me humne kai jagah rukkar pani aur naasta kiya. do ek jagah ruke bhi. phir lagatar chadai karne ke baad akhir hum upar pahunch hi gaye the. hume bahot khusi hui, humne waha pahunch kar hath muh saaf pani se dhoye, or phir maata ke darshan ke liye chal diye humne khana pehle hi kha liya tha. or phir mata ke darshan ke liye avashyak samagri lekar aage bade. phir humne dekha ki maate ke mandir ke samne kaafi lambi line lagi thi, darshan karne ke liye log door door se aaye the, kuch log videsh ke bhi the, ghanto line me lage rehne ke baad humara number aa hi gaya or kaafi bhid hone ke karan  hume darshan ke liye jyada samay ni mila, phir hum maata ki gufa me gaye waha ka drishya dekhne layak tha, phir hume waha se wapsi ke liye nikalna tha, hum jis raaste se gaye the usi raste se wapis lot aaye.